Power Fixes are time-based actions and activities that help you overcome fatigue, improve alertness, and boost performance all day. There are also Power Fixes geared specifically to help you get back in alignment with your chronotype. From dancing to dynamic yoga, ingesting caffeine, and even socializing, Power Fixes are science-backed recommendations, many based on NASA’s Human Health Countermeasures, which help its astronauts stay healthy and productive during space missions. The CZ Smart YouQ app will add new Power Fixes as Citizen continues to work with NASA, as well as other wellness experts.
Power Fixes are customized for you based on your Power Score and level of alignment with your baseline. CZ Smart YouQ lets you know how a Power Fix will affect your overall readiness, rhythms, and alignment. Power Fixes help you become aware of your unique temporal patterns and build better habits to improve your total well-being.
You can access Power Fixes by going to the Power Gauge and tapping a Peak or Drop on the Power Graph, and you can also find them located below the Power Score and Power Forecast. After selecting a Power Fix, you’re taken to the Power Lab where you can see the impact a Power Fix will have on your day as well as category information, the specific actions or activities you should take, and a brief description.