A chronotype is an individual’s preferred timing of sleep and wake. Through continued wear over the first ~7-10 days, CZ Smart YouQ identifies your unique chronotype. It is important to wear your watch to bed for the first 7-10 days and to take 2 Alert Checks a day for the first 7-10 days. YouQ will identify your chronotype within the 7-10 days and provide you with a personalized Power Gauge graph showing personalized anticipated peaks and drops in alertness for the next 36 hours. Also providing the user with an hourly Power Score so you can optimize your day based on your peaks and drops. Utilize perfectly times Power Fixes to extend a peak or raise a drop.
There are six chronotypes based on scientific literature, and within the YouQ App, they include proprietary names:
- Morning Go-getters kick off the morning feeling energized and most productive. As the day progresses, their energy levels diminish until it’s finally time to hit the sheets.
- Evening Enthusiasts start the day at their lowest energy levels. By afternoon they’re just starting to find their stride and by evening they’re at peak energy and alertness levels.
- Midday Dynamos tend to find their sweet spot in the afternoon when energy levels are at the highest point. They begin the day with low alertness and finish the day at medium energy levels.
- Early Bird Enthusiasts wake up on a high note feeling perky and productive. They tend to slip into an afternoon slump as energy levels diminish and then wrap up the day somewhere in the middle.
- Steady Achievers avoid rocking the boat by maintaining a consistent low level of energy that works for them. They are comfortable and successful playing in this range.
- High Energy Hustlers never let up. They are always on the go and at-the-ready, charging ahead energized from morning to night.