AS OF OCTOBER 26, 2023
Note: This process is intended for existing users who purchased their smartwatch between April 2023 and September 2023.
The updated watchfaces have been optimised to enhance battery life on your CZ Smart touchscreen smartwatch. These new watchfaces will replace the existing ones on your touchscreen smartwatch.
To add the new watchfaces to your smartwatch, follow these simple steps:
1.Ensure that Wi-Fi is enabled on both your smartwatch and phone and place your watch onto the charger to complete this process.
2.To receive essential updates in the future, turn on "App Updates" within your phone's Settings. You can find this option in Settings >> App Store >> App Updates. Make sure it's toggled to the 'on' position highlighted in green.
3.Log in to the Google Play Store with the same email account that you used to set-up your CZ Smart watch.
4.Download the four watchfaces from the Google Play Store below by clicking the icons individually. They will be automatically transferred to your Citizen Connected app on your phone and you CZ Smart watch within a few minutes.
5.Remember to press the "back" button after each install to complete the process.